Dr. Sebastian Oehms

Universität Stuttgart, Mathematisches Institut B, Lehrgebiet Algebra&Topologie, Pfaffenwaldring 57, 70550 Stuttgart

Duration of employment: Oktober 1991 - September 1997

Research interests

I am interested in the structure and representation theory of certain finite dimensional algebras which come along with the theory of quantum groups respectively the theory of finite groups of Lie type. These are several generalizations of Schur algebras, Iwahori-Hecke algebras and Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras.

Furthermore I'm interested in general concepts related to the subjects mentioned above such as cellular algebras or the FRT construction for quantum coordinate rings. I'm also interested in applications of quantum groups to knot theory and low dimensional topology.

Finally I pay some attention to algebraic and synthetic geometry as well as algebraic topology.



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Mathematicians doing related research

Richard Dipper, Stephen Doty, Steve Donkin, Maria Iano-Fletcher, John Graham, Gordon James, Richard Green, Anton Cox, Steffen König, Andrew Mathas, Arun Ram, Alexander Kleshchev

Current Situation

Since 16.9.97 I was Studienreferendar at the Seminar für Schulpädagogik (Gymnasien) in Esslingen/Neckar.

Since 01.9.99 I work at S & P Computersysteme GmbH in Stuttgart.

Since 2018 I contribute code to SageMath (for more information on this see my GitHub page).
06.03.1997, Sebastian Oehms, modifications: 20.11.1999, 26.03.2003, 20.05.2022