Klassifikation der algebraischen Flächen vierter Ordnung, die eine einparametrige Familie von Kegelschnitten besitzen

(Classification of algebraic quartic surfaces possessing a one dimensional family of conics)

diploma thesis1 by Sebastian Oehms, 12.1.1990

Adviser: Prof. Dr. W. Degen, Universität Stuttgart


The investigation of quartic surfaces possessing a one dimensional algebraic family of conics was started by E. Kummer in 1865. He described all types of such surfaces except two of them. These two missing types the singular loci of which consist just of isolated singularities have been found by C.M. Jessop (1916) and W.F. Meyer (1921-34) respectively. On the one hand in none of these works the completeness of the given classification is claimed. On the other hand, for some of the types the family of conics degenerates to a family of pairs of straight lines. Moreover, there are surfaces in their lists which don't contain any irreducible conic at all. In this work the completeness of the list given by W.F. Meyer is shown. Furthermore the surfaces possessing a family of irreducible conics are singled out. In some cases all families of conics and in some cases all conics are determined.

The 94 pages German manuscript of the diploma thesis can be downloaded as a dvi (448 KB), postscript (1340 KB) or pdf (600 KB) file.

06.03.1997, Sebastian Oehms, modification 20.05.2022.
1 wissenschaftliche Arbeit für die Zulassung zum ersten Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien.