Let R be an arbitrary unital
commutative ring and A a unital R-algebra, i.e.\
a unital ring A together with a ring homomorphism from R into the center
of A sending 1 to 1.
We denote by the category of finitely generated R-modules
and by
the category of right A-modules which are finitely
generated as R-modules. Assume that the isomorphism classes
form sets
. The
monoidal structure of the category
- coming along with the
tensorproduct over R - induces the structure of a
commutative monoid on
. Thus the multiplication of two elements
given by representatives
is defined as the isomorphism
class of
. The unit element 1 is the isomorphism class of
R. and in addition you have an element 0 corresponding to the zero module.
In a similar manner there is an action of the monoid
the left on the set
, since the tensor product
of an R-module U with a right A-module gives
again a right A-module.
Now let be the monoid algebra on
the integers and
the free abelian group on
The above action of
induces a
structure on
. Let
be the abelian subgroup of
generated be the expressions U'-U+U'' for all
, such that there is a short
split exact sequence (from now on we will not deitinguish between
elements in
and representatives for these
elements in
Since tensoring split exact sequences yields again split exact
sequences, is obviously an ideal in
. We denote the
residue class ring by
in we consider the abelian subgroup
generated by all
expressions M'-M+M'', such that there is a short exact sequence
of right A-modules which is split as a sequence of R-modules.
It is obviously an -submodule of
and clearly one
Therefore the quotient
can be considered as an -module. Before proceeding let us
give some examples. For this purpose denote by
the set of isomorphism classes corresponding to the
indecomposable R-modules and by
set corresponding to cyclic R-modules, i.e. modules
isomorphic to R/I for some ideal I in R. Note that
is a submonoid of
and both contain 1 and 0.
Therefore, the
-linear span of
is a
Now if R is noetherian, then the ring is generated by the
residue classes of
. If in addition the Krull-Schmidt
theorem holds in
, that is, if decomposition into
indecomposables is unique, then
is free abelian on
Let us look in more detail to the case where R
is a principal ideal domain. Here you have
and the former is a submonoid as well. More precisely, for each pair
(p,l) of a prime
and a positive integer
you have
an element in
whose representative is
and which
we denote by
. From the main theorem on modules over principal
ideal domains it follows that for different pairs
you get different elements
and that all elements
- except 1 and 0 - are of this form. The multiplication
for elements other than 1 and 0
is given by the rule
Now is canonically isomorphic to
the integral monoid algebra of
factored by the one
dimensional span of the element
. In the case
R is a principal ideal domain we will always identify
this way and use the notation
for basis elements as above.
In the same manner we write
[n] for the residue class of the isomorphism type of R/(n) if
is arbitrary. Thus
is the
primedecomposition of n in R.
In the case where R is a field,
is canonically isomorphic
is the
Grothendieck group
of A considered as a
We call a right A-module reducible by R-sums
iff M contains an A-submodule N which is a direct summand
of R-modules in M. If M is not reducible by R sums we call it
irreducible by R sums. The concept is clearly invariant under
isomorphisms of A-modules.
be the subset of
consisting of
isomorphism classes of by R sums
irreducible A-modules. If R is noetherian it is easily seen
is generated by
as a