Let S be another
commutative ring which might be considered as an R-algebra via
some ring homomorphism . In this situation there is
a functor
leading to a map of monoids,
given by
. In the second
step this induces a ring homomorphism
carrying the ideal
into the ideal
, since tensoring
short split exact sequences yields again short split exact sequences.
Thus we end up with a ring homomorphism
In the case where S is a field, this is a ring homomorphism to the
integers given on a residue class [M] in
for some
For a principal ideal domain you therefore have and
Turning to the algebra A we write for the
base extended algebra. As above, there is a functor
leading to a map .
This induces a
-module homomorphism
and since
-module homomorphism
Concerning the action of on
one obviously has
for all
which leads to
If we interpret as an
-algebra via
we can restate this as
Now, on the other hand there are functors
carrying an S-module resp. -module M to the same abelian
group, but inflating the action of S resp.
to an action
of R resp. A on M. Going again through the above procedure,
one obtains maps of abelian groups
If the map is surjective, then you have
for all S-modules U and
M. Therefore in this case, one obtains
In the case where is surjektiv, there corresponds an
element in
to S, i.e. the isomorphism class of the R-module
S. This leads to a corresponding element [S] in
Denote the left multiplication by [S] in
PROOF:The first two statements are clear from definitions and what has
been said before (note that [S] is an idempotent and therefore
a projection map of
For the third one, it is enough to show that
defines an inverse
as a map of
-modules. Now
is directly clear from the above righthand
formula, whereas
by surjectivity of
following from the lefthand
The set contains the set of fields F which
are epimorphic images of R and which we denote by
These are precisely the elements of
corresponding to simple R-modules F=R/I, one for each
maximal ideal I of R. For any
is the Grothendieck group of
as mentioned
before. Therefore the proposition shows, that all such Grothendieck
groups are embedded in
as direct summands and that a projection
on them is given by multiplication with the idempotent
We set
As an intersection of the kernels of the -module homomorphisms
this is obviously a submodule. To see that for an R-algebra
S the map
to the corresponding submodule
, one uses the fact that the R-algebra structure map
induces an injective
on a representative F=S/I
given by
It is easily seen that the equation
holds for all
. Thus, setting
it follows that factors to a map
. In the case where S is
a field you have
and therefore
This means that
still maps to the Grothendieck group
for any field S that is an R-algebra.