Remember that
is a coalgebra for each
. Therefore, its dual
-module inherits the structure of an
-algebra. We define
and call it the symplectic -Schur algebra. Two linear forms
are multiplied by convolution, that is
for all
. The reader may verify that
one obtains the symplectic Schur algebra in the classical situation
as defined in [O2]. This also is identical to the symplectic
Schur algebra in the sense of S. Donkin, respectively S. Doty
([Do2] respectively [Dt]).
One aim is to show that the construction
is stable under base changes and that it is a free
Both facts follow when we have shown that
is free as
-module. Further
we want to initiate the study of the representation theory of this algebra.
An easy way to do this is to
check that the axioms of a cellular algebra given by J. Graham
and G. Lehrer in [GL] hold. These axioms
are as follows:
Let be an associative unital algebra over a commutative unital ring
together with a partially ordered finite set
and finite sets
to each
set of
is called a cellular algebra if the following
properties hold:
holds, where the elements
are independent of
is defined as the
-linear span of basis elements
Starting with these axioms the representation theory of is developed in
[GL] along the following lines. To each
a standard module
is defined on a
An element
acts on it via
possesses a symmetric
bilinear form
for which the formula
is valid
for all
. In the case where
is a field
the radical of
is the same as the radical of the bilinear form
. The simple head
then is absolutely
irreducible. In this way a complete set of pairwise non-isomorphic
can be
obtained. Here we have set
Denoting the multiplicity of in
Graham and Lehrer show that
. To each order refining the given partial order on
the corresponding decomposition matrix
is unitriangular.
The Cartan-matrix
can be calculated as
. The theory also supplies a criterion to decide whether
semisimple or quasi-hereditary. In the first case we must have
for all
whereas in the
second case
will do.
Examples of cellular algebras are the Brauer centralizer algebras
Ariki-Koike-Hecke-algebras, Temperley-Lieb and Jones algebras ([GL]).
R.M. Green ([GR]) constructs a
-analogue of the
codeterminant basis (in the sense of [Gr])
for the classical Schur algebra
which is cellular as well.
The corresponding standard modules
are precisely the
-Weyl modules in the sense of [DJ2] (see [GR],
Proposition 5.3.6).
It should be remarked that the finiteness of is not postulated in the
original definition. Since this property is valid in our example we impose this
restriction to avoid unnecessary trouble (cf. discussion in [KX],
section 3).
Since we have defined the symplectic -Schur algebra as the dual module
of a coalgebra we now translate the concept of cellular algebras
to coalgebras:
Let be a coalgebra over a commutative unital ring
together with a partially ordered finite set
and finite
for each
We call
a cellular coalgebra
if the following properties hold:
holds, where the coalgebra elements
are independent of
is defined as the
-linear span of basis elements
To an arbitrary -coalgebra the dual algebra is well defined. The dual
coalgebra of an algebra
is well defined if the algebra is known to be
projective as an
-module, since then
In the case of a cellular algebra this is
obviously valid. The connection between the above two concepts is given by
the following proposition which can be proved straightforwardly using
structure constants with respect to the bases (cf. [O1, 4.2.3]).
According to the proposition our next task is to find a cellular basis
for the coalgebra
together with an appropriate involution map
such that the axioms of the cellular coalgebra hold. As soon as this is done
the representation theory of
is developed to the extent
indicated above.