Let be another noetherian integral domain together with a
of rings. We will consider
as an
-algebra via this homomorphism. In this situation there
is a functor from the category of
-modules into the category of
-modules given by
to each pair of -modules
and an
. We will study the behaviour of the construction of
centralizer coalgebras under these functors. It will turn out that the
centralizer coalgebra behaves better than the centralizer algebra.
To start with let
where is given by
for all
. Let
be the natural embedding
of the subalgebra
and let
denote the image of in
. Further there are
natural homomorphisms
on generators given in a similar way to . Note, that
are homomorphisms of algebras
connected by the equation
Thus is injective
if and only if
is injective (
stands for the
corresponding embeddings). This may fail if
is not a pure
-submodule in
. Further
may fail to
be surjective (see the example following theorem 4.3).
is called stable under base change if
is an
isomorphism of for all choices for
. Now, in
analogy to
we are going to consider natural homomorphisms
We will show that they are isomorphisms independent of the choices for and
To this claim we consider
is the natural
homomorphism given by
on genorators with
. It is easy to check
is a homomorphism of coalgebras
if the coalgebra structure on
is defined in a canonical
way (for details see [Oe] section 1.5). Further, the verification
of the commutativity rule
is straightforward, as well. Here
is the isomorphism induced by the
matrix trace map
. Setting
we obtain
since is an isomorphism of
-algebras. By
definition we have
Using (6) this yields
Here again, we have used the symbol to indicate embeddings
-submodules. Note that in particular
a coideal in
is an isomorphism of
coalgebras and therefore
is a coalgebra.
Finally, we are able to define the natural homomorphism
as the factorization of
which exists by (7).
We immediately obtain
This means that is stable under base changes for all choices of
If the
is a field, it follows from theorems
3.3 and 4.1 that
Now, for a noetherian integral domain
it is known from commutative algebra that an
projective if and only if the dimension of
is independent
of the field
. Thus we obtain
PROOF: First assume (a). Then the sequence
induces an isomorphism between
according to lemma 3.1 it follows
is projective, as well. Thus
is a direct summand in
proving (c).
Part (a) follows from (c) by theorem 3.7, since the
dual of a projective module is projective again.
To verify (b) we therefore may assume both (a) and (c). Since
is a direct summand
is injective for all
. Consequentely all
are injective (see above). To show surjectivity note that the image
must be a direct summand therein, since
is an isomorphism and
a direct summand in
Therefore, to show that this submodule of
coincides with
, it is enough to verify that both
have the same rank (the dimension of the
-tensored module
over the field
of fractions on
). But these ranks must indeed be
the same as can be seen from the following calculations
where the left-hand-side equation holds by projectivity of , the right-hand-side one
by corollary 4.2 and the one in the middle
is an isomorphism by flatness of the field
of fractions on
This establishes (b).
Now assume (b). This implies that the map
induced by
the embedding
is injective for all
. By
commutative algebra arguments one concludes that
is a direct
summand in the
-free module
, in particular it is
projective. Now, let
be a field.
is an isomorphism we have
The left-hand-side is independent of by projectivity of
. Thus by corollary 4.2
is projective yielding
Example: Let
. Further let