Remember the definition of the complement
of a submodule in an
and the definition of the evaluation map
Turning to our special situation we first note that
for all
. Since the bilinear form
induced by
is nondegenerate, it follows:
The following fundamental lemma of this section is easy to prove now.
PROOF: According to the definition
if and only if
for all
. Applying (4) this is the case if and only if
for all
, thus if and only if
. The second equation follows from the first by use of
equation (3).
Remember that the dual module
of a coalgebra
always posseses the structure
of an algebra by use of the convolution product
Here, we have identified
with its image under the
natural homomorphism
. Note that this
construction is functorial. In the special case
we obtain an algebra structure on
. Furthermore
it is easy to show that the evaluation map
is an isomorphism of algebras.
PROOF: By functoriality the dual map
is an
algebra homomorphism.
is exact on the right,
is injective.
One easily shows
. This completes the
proof, since
is an algebra isomorphism as mentioned above.
PROOF: This follows immediately from lemmas
3.1 and 3.2.
Now, let us compare the dual of with
. To this aim we
consider the dual map
of the inclusion
Because of
for arbitrary
and according to Lemma
3.1 we have
Therefore factors to an
-module homomorphism
PROOF: From general results of commutative algebra (cf. [Oe] Anhang A 1.2) it follows
that the torsion submodule of coincides with
By the above calculations this is just the kernel
This immediately implies
At the beginning of this section we have constructed an algebra
structure on the dual module of a coalgebra. Conversely we should obtain
a coalgebra structure on the dual of an algebra . Whereas this is not
possible in general, it can be done under certain restrictions to
-module structure of the algebra
. To be more precise,
the natural
-homomorphism from
must be an isomorphism. This is the case
is projective and finitely generated. Therefore, under these
circumstances the construction is always possible and functorial,
that is: duals of algebra maps become coalgebra maps. Thus we obtain