Dualizing the coalgebra map
from the sequence (9), one obtains an
epimorphism of algebras from
. On a
basis element
it is given by subtracting
and keeping
fixed. Its
kernel is the
linear span of those basis elements which occur in the case
This forces a recursive structure on the representation theory of these
algebras in a similar way as is known for the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl
algebras (see [BW]). In addition these epimorphisms
can be used to define an inverse limit of the symplectic
-Schur algebras
in a similar way as has been worked out for the type
-Schur algebra
in [GR, section 6.4]. It seems to be plausible that accordingly
the quantized universal enveloping algebra embeds into this inverse
Concerning analogues to the orthogonal case, note that Lemma 11.7 will not work here. Maybe, a way out is to consider coefficient functions of the symmetric algebra, i.e. the elements