In the classical case symplectic versions of the straightening formula
have already been given in [Co, 2.4] and
[O2, section 7]. In principle, we will
follow the lines of the latter paper.
But there are a lot of additional difficulties,
one of which forces us to work with a reversed version of -symplectic
standard tableaux.
To prepare for the statement, we define the algebra
by factoring out the ideal generated by the quantum coefficient of dilation.
Since is homogeneous this algebra is again graded. Let us abbreviate
-th homogeneous summand by
is grouplike the comultiplication
obviously factors to
. But
is not a bialgebra and
are not coalgebras, because the augmentation map
does not factor. In the classical case if
is a field
equals the coordinate
ring of the symplectic semigroup
by [O2, remark 7.5]. The missing augmentation map corresponds
to the missing unit element in the semigroup. Therefore we call
a semi bialgebra.
We put an order on the set
of all
partitions of
, writing
if and only if
occurs before
in the lexicographic order.
In this order the fundamental weight
is the largest element, whereas
is the
smallest one. We define
) to be the
-linear span in
of all
such that
)(cf. axiom (C3*) of a cellular coalgebra).
Before starting to prove this, we deduce its most important consequence:
PROOF: From the fact that is central in
by Remark 4.1 we see that
multiplication by
from the right (written as
leads to an exact sequence
for .
Therefore, using induction on
we can reduce to showing that
is a set of generators for
. For this claim it is
enough to show that
is a set of generators of
for each partition
. To get the last claim from the
straightening formula 8.1, observe that
the involution
is well defined on
(see section 7).
to the congruence relation of Proposition 8.1,
one obtains another such formula in which the roles of
are exchanged. This shows that
is indeed a set of
generators for
In order to prove the quantum symplectic straightening
formula we need a corresponding
algorithm. Its classical counterpart is [O2, Proposition 7.3].
We define a map
, where
and order
if and only if
appears before
in the lexicographic order (induced by the ordinary
order on
). Next, we
obtain an order
defined by:
Here, we have denoted by
the lexicographic order on
induced by our special
Finally, we obtain a second order
via the embedding
given by
. Now we are able to state the symplectic
straightening algorithm.
Clearly, the straightening formula 8.1 is
an easy consequence of the above proposition since the set
is finite and therefore the elimination of multi-indices
, that are not
-reverse symplectic standard in an expression
must terminate.
The proof of the straightening algorithm will take several sections.
In principle we will proceed in a similar way as in [O2] to prove this
but complications arise because the embedding of
the symplectic group into the general linear group does not extend to quantum
groups. Instead of [O2, Proposition 7.2] we have to establish a
weak form of the quantum symplectic straightening algorithm in a first step.
More precisely, we will first prove 8.3,
is substituted by
We start with some technical tools.