Let be even. We will apply the FRT-construction to two
. In order to define them we have to introduce some notation.
First consider the involution
, that is
Further set if
and define
The first endomorphism is just the flip operator on , whereas the second is an integer multiple of a projection
map whose kernel is just the kernel of the linear form on
corresponding to the canonical skew bilinear form on
(see below) and whose image is the one dimensional span of a
skew bivector. Our object of interest will be the FRT-construction
According to the preceeding section it is a graded matric bialgebra whose homogenous summands
are the centralizer coalgebras of algebras which are generated by endomorphisms
. Using the notation of [We] the
Brauer centralizer algebra
an element in
is generated by symbols
the assignment
a representation of
. Thus
just the image of
under this representation, in
H. Wenzl's notation from [We]:
R. Brauer showed in [Br] that this is just the
centralizer algebra of the symplectic group
acting on
. One of our
aims is to generalize this to the case of an arbitrary algebraically
closed field
instead of
Another problem, connected with the former, is
to show that the centralizer algebra
which will turn out
to be the symplectic Schur algebra
defined by
S. Donkin in [Do2] is stable under base changes. In view of
theorem 4.3 this is equivalent to the projectivity
of the coalgebra
as an
-module. For this purpose
we are going to construct a basis for the latter one.
The procedure follows [Oe]
where the more general quantum case is treated. But it will become more
transparent in the much simpler classical case. First note that there is an
epimorphism of graded bialgebras from
leaving the symbols
fixed (we use
as symbols for residue classes of
in all cases of matric bialgebras).
is just the
where the relations coming from the
are omitted. This is because
just give the ordinary
commutativity relations. The kernel of this bialgebra epimorphism is the ideal
which is generated by the polynomials
. To write down
these polynomials explicitly let us fix some notation:
Setting and
we obtain
Therefore we have
is the ideal in
generated by the set
called the symplectic monoid by S. Doty
[Dt] and which has been
considered by D.J. Grigor'ev [Gg] first.
is the Gram-matrix of the canonical
skew bilinear form, that is
. The function
called the coefficient of dilation. It is neccesarily a
regular function on
and already
well defined in
, explicitly:
Note that this is independent of
by the relations in
is a group-like element of this bialgebra
(cf. [Oe] 2.1.1). The set
of invertible elements in
is precisely the group
of symplectic similitudes. S. Doty showed in [Dt] that
in fact coincides with the Zariski-closure of
. We will obtain this as an easy consequence of the results
presented below.
To write down a basis for
we need some combinatorics.
The set of partitions of
is denoted by
. It contains
which consist of partitions having not more than
We write partitions as
of nonnegative integers
in descending order
such that
. To each partition one
associates a Young-diagram reading row lengths out of the
. For example
is associated to
. The column lengths
of the diagram lead to another partition
called the dual of the partition
, i.e.
denote the symmetric group on
symbols and
the standard Young subgroup of
corresponding to the partition
. This is the subgroup fixing
the subsets
. In the above example
standard Young subgroup of
corresponding to the dual
To each partition
and a pair of multi-indices
one defines a bideterminant
. These are
products of minor determinants, one factor for each column, the size
of which
correspond to the length of the column. By (13)
they can be interpreted as
elements of
, as well. We wish to
write down a basis of the latter
-module consisting of such
bideterminants. Since they are too large in number one needs a criterion
to single out the right ones. This can be done using
-tableaux. These are constructed from the diagram of
by inserting the components of a multi-index column by column into the
boxes. In the above example:
We put a new order on the set
, namely
A multi-index
is called
-column standard if the
entries in
are strictly increasing down columns according
to this order. It is
-row standard if the
entries in
are weakly increasing along rows and
-standard if it is both at the same time. We write
to denote the subset of
of all multi-indices being
-standard. Such a multi-index
is called
-symplectic standard if for each
the occurences of
as well as
is limited to the first
rows. The corresponding subset of
will be denoted by
The notion of symplectic standard tableaux traces back to
R.C. King [Ki] and it has appeard in a lot of work concerning
symplectic groups and their representation theory (for details see
It is well known from invariant theory (cf. [Mr],
section 2.5) that the collection of all bideterminants
runs through
run through
form a
basis of
. Similarily we will prove in the next section
Before proving this let us have a look at some consequences. The first one generalizes theorem 9.5 (a) of [Dt] avoiding the restriction to characteristic zero. Furthermore, it contains corollary 5.5 (f) of that paper for algebraically closed fields.
PROOF: Let be the coordinate ring
-th homogenous summand.
In [Do2] the symplectic Schur algebra
is defined as the dual algebra to the coalgebra
The dimension of the latter one is given by Weyl's character formula
and therefore independent of the field
(cf. [Do2] p. 77).
On the other hand there is an epimorphism of graded bialgebras from
is closed in
the latter one has been defined as the vanishing set of the ideal
by which
is defined. But by our basis theorem
6.1 the dimension of
is independent of the
, as well. Thus, the proof can be finished looking at the
and using
Doty's theorem 9.5 (a) or alternately by a direct calculation of
(see proposition 7.1 below).
By theorem 4.1 we have isomorphisms
has been recognized to be the
coordinate ring of
we may interpret the spectrum of
the ring
as an integral monoid scheme
. Accordingly, an integral
form for the symplectic Schur algebra can be obtained as the
dual algebra
For a field of characteristic zero this has been proved by S. Doty,
too ([Dt] corollary 9.3. (c)). It should be remarked, that the
basis dual to together with the anti-involution defined by matrix
transposition give a cell datum for the symplectic Schur algebra
in the sense of J. Graham and G. Lehrer (cf. [Oe], 4.2.5).
Thus, its representation theory can be developed easily to the extent
of the treatment of cellular algebras in [GL].