Let us briefly recall what we have done so far. With respect to the
proof that is a basis, we have reduced the fact that it is a set
of generators
in section 8 to the verification of Proposition
8.1, which we just have completed.
Further we already know from section 6
that the axiom
of a cellular coalgebra
is valid. It remains to show axiom
and the fact that
is linearly independent.
Let us start with the latter task. It is clearly enough to
consider the case where
be the field of fractions on
and let
be the
image of
under the embedding of
Any relation among elements of
with coefficients from
is a relation
with coefficients from the field
Thus, we only have to show
is the centralizer
coalgebra of the algebra
generated by the endomorphisms
acting on
in the sense of [O2, Section 2].
Consequently, by the comparison theorem [O2, Theorem 3.3]
the dimension in question is the same as the dimension of the
centralizer algebra of
acting on
The latter dimension
can be deduced from well-known results from the theory of quantum groups.
We will use [CP, Theorem 10.2.5 ii, second statement].
The operator called
there equals our
. The application of the theorem
shows that the centralizer of our algebra
is identical to the
image of the quantized universal enveloping algebra (QUE) corresponding to
the Dynkin diagram
under its action on
Now, by [CP, Proposition 10.1.13 and Theorem 10.1.14],
the tensor space
decomposes into irreducibles as a QUE-module because
transcendental over
These irreducibles are indexed
by the highest weights of the symplectic group and their
dimensions are the same as in the classical case.
The weights occurring are the same as for the
symplectic group as well and correspond precisely to the elements of the
from the definition of
(cf. [O2, 7.1]).
It follows from work of R.C. King that the dimensions of the irreducibles are
([Ki],cf. [Do2]).
Consequently, we obtain the required identity:
We now verify axiom .
We abbreviate
. Let
. As
is grouplike and
a homomorphism of algebras we calculate using
(20) that
Here, as in section 11,
is the set of multi-indices that are
-column-standard with respect to the usual order
(see section 8). Now, according to the straightening
formula 8.1
(after application of
to each
there is an element
(unique by the
linear independence of
) such that
We set
and obtain
This completes the verification of axiom and hence the proof of
Theorem 7.1.